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10 small steps you can take to help in the fight against climate change

By Anna Lexxy Mbucho 

While individual actions can potentially have a significant impact, collective action is necessary to combat the climate catastrophe. Make use of lightbulbs and energy-efficient equipment. To use less heating and cooling, insulate your house. To avoid “phantom” energy use, unplug unused equipment and turn off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use.  

To generate renewable energy and lessen your dependency on fossil fuels, think about adding solar panels to your house. If a green energy supplier that uses renewable energy sources is offered, pick them. The solar energy industry in Kenya has grown significantly, and a variety of suppliers are now offering solar solutions to boost energy access and promote sustainable development. Businesses such as Nairobi Solar, Kenya Solar, Juhudi Kilimo, M-KOPA Solar, SolarNow, d.light, Daba Solar, and African Solar Industry Association (AFSIA). By boosting energy security, promoting sustainable development, and increasing access to solar power, these suppliers are helping Kenya’s renewable energy industry. 

It is always important to remember to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Cut back on disposables such as plastics that are only used once. Choose reusable items such as containers, bags, and water bottles. Reduce landfill trash and resource consumption by recycling paper, glass, and plastics in accordance with local regulations. Several businesses in Kenya are setting the standard for recycling and providing goods derived from recycled materials. 

Among these are the Kenyan Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF), Plastic Recycling Ltd., Ecoplast, Taka Taka Solutions, Green Charcoal Kenya, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Center, and Kibera Town Center Recycling Project. By producing creative goods from recycled materials, these businesses and programs support Kenya’s recycling efforts and help to manage trash, lessen environmental effect, and promote sustainability. 

To cut down on greenhouse gas emissions from private automobiles, take the bus, carpool, bike, or walk more. To lessen your transportation-related carbon footprint, think about driving an electric or hybrid automobile. In its endeavors to curtail carbon emissions and foster sustainable mobility, Kenya is embracing electric transportation. There are several options available, including Uber’s electric boda boda, BasiGo, Opibus (Roam), and Electric Tuk-Tuks by Kiri. Additionally, EkoRent offers electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Kenya is working to lower carbon emissions, enhance air quality, and establish a sustainable transportation system, some of which include the advancement of electric transport services and infrastructure. 

Save Water. Given how often water is consumed, this is quite important. Use water-saving fixtures and plug leaks. Refrain from using too much water and utilize water-saving methods when cleaning and gardening. Gather and utilize rainfall for non-potable uses such as irrigation. 

Encourage sustainable farming practices by just consuming less meat. Lower your meat intake and opt for plant-based or sustainably sourced foods to help lessen agriculture’s negative environmental effects. Purchase organic and locally farmed produce to promote sustainable farming methods and cut down on food miles. 

To improve carbon sequestration and biodiversity, take part in or donate to tree-planting campaigns and reforestation programs. Participate in volunteer work or charitable giving with groups that support urban greening and environmental preservation. Kenya’s attempts to tackle climate change, rehabilitate damaged lands, and fight deforestation now heavily rely on tree planting campaigns. The Green Belt Movement, Plant Your Age Initiative, Miyawaki Forest Initiative, One Million Trees Initiative, Environment Trust of Kenya (ETK), Kijani Pamoja, Trees for the Future (TREES), Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Wangari Maathai Foundation, and others.  

Kenya must take these steps to enhance its forest cover, lessen the effects of climate change, and advance sustainable development. They interact with different facets of society, including local communities, schools, NGOs, and government institutions. 

Educate people on the consequences of global warming. Encourage eco-friendly practices and the dissemination of knowledge in your neighborhood. Cast your vote for and support policies and leaders who prioritize addressing climate change and environmental protection. When it comes to easing the effects of climate change, these tiny actions can have a significant impact. 

Select goods and services from businesses that respect the environment and place a high priority on sustainability. Think about making investments in green technology, renewable energy firms, or sustainability-focused funds. Kenya has several businesses committed to providing eco-friendly goods, supporting eco-friendly behaviors, and preserving the environment. Leafy Life creates biodegradable sanitary pads using agricultural waste, such as banana fibers, while Eco-Makaa produces eco-friendly charcoal briquettes from sugarcane bagasse and sawdust.  

Other examples of sustainable wood products are Miti Mingi Kenya, which specializes in sustainable wood products, Ocean Sole, which recycles abandoned flip-flops found on beaches into colorful and creative art pieces, and EcoPost. Through their creative products and environmentally friendly methods, these businesses are making a substantial difference in Kenya’s sustainability movement. 

By funding initiatives that offset greenhouse gas emissions, including reforestation or renewable energy projects, you can lessen your carbon footprint. Reduce your carbon footprint by engaging in less carbon-intensive activities, such as frequent travel and excessive consumption. These small steps help in the fight against climate change. 

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